Sunday, 17 May 2020
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Monday, 11 May 2020
Sunday, 10 May 2020
Saturday, 9 May 2020
Friday, 8 May 2020
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
The Silver Sword - Chapter 12 &13 - Zabian
Zabian, great lot of work you have shared with me again. I really like the full answers and explanations that you give to the questions. You always include a lot of detail from the
novel to further explain your ideas. Great job.
The Silver Sword - Poland Research - Kianu
Kianu, this is an amazing piece of research. You have not only put a lot of time and effort into researching Poland but also into the presentation of your work.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Reading - Term 2 - Aila
You certainly have been busy with your reading work while in lock down. It is great to see you going right through the Marcus Thomas story. I’ve been caving and didn’t really enjoy it that much.
It is also great to see you start our novel study of ‘The Silver Sword.’ It would be great to see you continue with this work as we work at home before coming back to school.
Monday, 4 May 2020
Current Events - ANZAC Poppies - Caitlin
Caitlin, this is an amazing piece of work, great job! I like how you not only used the information that you found but you also put your own insights and thoughts into some of your explanations. You can be proud of this piece of work that you have put together. Excellent!
Sunday, 3 May 2020
Saturday, 2 May 2020
Friday, 1 May 2020
Karys's Obstacle Course
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
ANZAC Current Events - Poppy
Well done Poppy. Your piece makes connections to our current situation and the situation we
are in. It is emotive and thought provoking, a great job.
ANZAC Current Events - Ben, Phillip and Zabian
Ben and Phillip have put together a couple of short videos: Ben has a Minecraft WW1 tunnel/trench network and Phillip a Lego creation. Well done team!
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
Saturday, 25 April 2020
Friday, 24 April 2020
Thursday, 23 April 2020
The Silver Sword - Chapter 7 - Darcy
Wow Darcy, another quality piece of Reading work, well done.
Like you I think Edek will be shipped off to Germany for hard labour as well. Keep up the good work.
The Silver Sword - Chapter 7 - Adam
Great job of today's Chapter questions Adam. Keep up the good work!
Karys - Life in my Bubble!
Lots and lots of exciting things happening at your place at the moment, keep the photos coming in!
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Zabian - The Silver Sword - Chapter 6
Wow, I really like how you have read and listened carefully to my feedback and then went back to improve your research. Great Job.
I also like your answers to the daily questions. You continue to show a good understanding of the novel themes and events. Keep up the good work.
Madison T - The Silver Sword
You have produced a quality piece of research. Your slides are well set out with interesting information. You have used full sentence answers in your own words, showing a great understanding of the task. Keep up the great work.
Capter 6 Research - Darcy
Well done Darcy. Your upgraded Research activity is Amazing. You have not only presented your work to a high standard, but you have accurate information to a Year 8 standard. You can be proud of the work you have done! I liked learning about your personal connection to Poland too! great Job!
Ben's Family Obstacle Course
Great Job Ben! Awesome getting your family involved. Pitty about the loss of signal at the end! 😜
Madison H - The Silver Sword - Chapter 6
Well done Madison, great answers. I really like how you put yourself in their shoes and how you would cope with being in their situation. Well done on listening to feedback and attempting to fix up your research activity. Keep Persevering!
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Getting out in Week 2.
Her is a video of Sahan and Haddlee smashing an obstacle course around there homes, also Phillip and his family dancing up a storm. Let's see what you are up to!
Darcy - The Silver Sword - Chapter 5
The presentation of your Poland Research study is amazing and in the information you have on their is great. Have a listen to the end of tomorrows audio chapter and listen to what I say about the content of your research. There are some hints and tips in there about how to lift the quality of your research. Well done on your work so far!
Zabian's Chapter 4 of our Silver Sword Novel Study.
Great Job Zabian, excellent work on your Novel Study
Maddison T's Obstacle Course - Life in the Bubble!
Great Job Maddison! This looked like it was a lot of fun to make, you are really brave hitting the pool at this time of year! Wow and pulling the truck! Great job!
Can anyone match Maddison's Obstacle Course!
Monday, 20 April 2020
The Silver Sword - Hoani
Have a look at Hoani's work on our Shared Novel the Silver Sword. He has not only made a great effort in presenting his work in a way that reflects the novel but also has made quality answers for his activities. Keep up the great work Hoani!
The Silver Sword - Chapter 4 - Darcy
Great Job with your Learning Activities for Reading today Darcy. Excellent content and presentation of ideas. Keep up the good work!
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Term 2, Week 1 Maths Work - Cayless
Great effort on this maths activity Cayless, keep up the great work!
Friday, 17 April 2020
Chapter 3 - The Silver Sword - Ben
Ben has done a great job of Chapter 3's activities. He has answered the questions with good detail, giving examples from the story to support his ideas. Great job Ben!
Sahan's Chapter 3 activities, The Silver Sword
For Chapter 3 Sahan had to write a letter from Joseph (a character in 'The Silver Sword,' to a old Polish Couple who have been sheltering him after he escaped from a German prison camp. He oged his letter and even wrote it in Polish! Amazing work Sahan!
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Life in Wyatt's Bubble.
Wyatt set through this great photo from with what he has been doing in his Bubble. Great work Wyatt!
Kasey's Reading Activities, Chapter 1 and 3.
A great first up effort on your Novel Study of the Silver Sword Kasey, keep it up!
Ruhansi's Writing Work
Well done Ruhansi on a great start this our first writing activity in Term 2.
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Life in Maddison's Bubble
Maddison certinally has had a busy time living in her Bubble.
Take a look at what she has been up to!
Chapter One - The Silver Sword - Ruhansi
Well done to Ruhansi on her Chapter One work on the Silver Sword.
Excellent quality content and presentation!
The Silver Sword - Chapter One - Darcy
Here is Darcy's Reading Activities for Chapter One for the Silver Sword.
Keep up the good Work Darcy!
Sahan's Photo Competition
Great job of your photo's from the bubble Sahan.
I really like the action photo of you jumping off the deck. Great job!
Sunday, 12 April 2020
School Starts Wednesday 15th April.
The teachers have been working hard to get ready for on line learning. We can't wait to see you back at school...
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Update from Mrs Williamson:
Update from Mrs Williamson:
To All families
Please go directly to the school web page for updates. This is the easiest way for us to get information out to you during lock down. The Ministry of Education are updating Lorraine often with new information. She will post this information as it becomes available. Teachers are working today and tomorrow. Then all teachers will be on holiday for 2 weeks. School will start remotely on the 15th April.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Here is Daniels work from his first day at learning at home. It is great to see him start a variety of activites and place them into our shared folder for marking. I'm going to use our class blog as a place to share our work as well as the different things that you are up to while in isolation. Send through some videos and photos and I'll put them on our blog ready to share. Mr Lodge.
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