
Thursday, 28 May 2015

Bye Bye....

This week we say good bye to Caleb and the rest of his family as they are moving up to Northland to take up a new farming position.  Caleb brought some cupcakes to share with us,   YUM!!!


Good luck Caleb, I'm sure you will have a great time at your new school and make a lot of new friends.  

Make sure you keep in touch!   

Monday, 18 May 2015

100 Years of the ANZAC's

At the start of this term we started learning out World War 1 and the 100 year anniversary of the landing of the ANZAC's at Gallipoli.  We have completed a lot of research, written Haiku Tunnel Books and Simile Window Dioramas and well as producing some amazing Poppy Art.  Make sure you come into Room 14 and take a look at some of our amazing work.


Today Jack from the Taranaki Rugby Union came into 
school to help coach the Year 5 and 6 Rippa-Rugby team.  He also brought along the NPC ITM Cup that Taranaki won last year.  AWESOME!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Opunake Primary vs Ngaere

We held our first Year 4/5/6 inter school sports exchange against Ngare on 8th of May.  Wins in the Rugby and Netball and a close second in hockey.  Thank you to the coaches and everyone who came to watch.  Well done to everyone in the teams!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Blowing Bubbles

In term one Room 14 looked at how we get on at school. We decided to try and make a movie using photos. We took photos of ourselves, coloured them in with pastels, drew bubbles and published our rules using 'Pic Collage.' We are still experimenting with stop motion but not a bad first try...

Check out these great Cartoon Faces

At the start of the year we drew these Awesome Cartoon faces.  We followed directions from the 'Art Projects for Kids' (link) website.  Check out our great work...