
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Student Blog's

With a big thanks to Hannah Williams we have created individual Blog's for all of our students.  Although they have nothing on them yet we will be working next term to make sure we put all of our wonderful pieces of learning we do on our own blog site from the start of Term 2.  

If you happen to go away or do something exciting over the holidays, take a photo and e-mail them to Mr Lodge and he will try to add them to the student blog's over the break.  It will be a neat way to see what everyone is up to over the holiday.

Have a good holiday!

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Week 11 Homework

Home work is up on the homework page for Week 11.  Please send in any library books or home readers to school as soon as possible.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Skype Chat to China

On Thursday the 10th of April we had a Skype Chat to a class at the Shanghai American International School in China.  We introduced ourselves and found out a little about school life in Shanghai.  This year we will be keeping in contact with Ms Nazli and the kids in class 4NI.  We can't wait to find out more about life in China.

Our the next few days we will be looking at their Blog site to get to know a little more about what goes on during their day.  Next term we will be establishing our own blogs and will use these to get to know the kids in 4NI a lot better.  To check out their blog click on the link below.  The individual student blogs are on the right hand side menu's.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Skype to China!

We have just finished talking to students in China over Skype.  We talked for about 20 minutes to a class in 9 and 10 year olds at the Shanghai American International School (where Charlie W's Grandma works) in China.  We had a great time introducing ourselves to each other, we asked lots of questions, we can't wait to we make contact again and learn more about life in Shanghai.

Stay tuned for some video from our chat. 

End of Term - Library Books

As the end of the term is fast approaching we need all of our school Library books back to school.  Could you please have a dig around for any home readers and send those back as well.

Thanks a lot,

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Our Homework Reading Tree

Well done to all of these Room 14 Students who have climbed the first branch of our Reading Tree by completing home reading every night last week.  Well done everyone.

Autumn Acrostic Poems

This week as the weather has started to get colder and Daylight Savings has come to an end we explored Autumn and the different features of Autumn, the colours, sights, sounds and feelings associated with the change of season.  We wrote Autumn Acrostic Poems and presented them in a diorama.  They look great up on the wall in class.

Then some of us used 'Pic Collage' on the iPads to reproduce our poems.

Week 10 Homework

As always week 10's homework is up and on the blog.  Chunk for week 10 is 'tr' words.  Get searching for those long and interesting words.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Brody's Blog 

Brody has his own Blog, Anita and Brody do some amazing things at school. Great Work Brody. Check it out! 
(click 'Brody's Blog, above)

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Coastal League Tournament

We competed in the Coastal League Tournament against Opunake St Josephs, Manaia and Auroa Schools.  We had a great day, busted tackles, made devastating runs and scored tries.  Most of of all we had a great time!!!!!!