
Monday, 31 March 2014

Coastal Rugby Coaches

We recently had the Coastal Rugby Club visit school and take a coaching session with all of the classes.  Room 14 and 11 went together and had a great time.  I wonder if you saw any future All Blacks or Black Ferns in this video?

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Reading Tree

Room 14 has established a Reading Tree.  If home reading is completed every night for a week, on Friday the students will move up a branch of the Reading Tree.   The students all start in the reading nest before they take the first step up the tree.  Students can jump up the extra branches if they complete a 'Book Review' for a novel (that Mr Lodge approves) which they have been reading for homework.  Good luck on your reading journey up our tree.  GET READING!

Week 9 Homework

Week 9 Homework is up on the homework page, check it out.  Word Bank chunk this week, 'ed.'

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Curriculum Intergration Group 1

A 'Slice of Time.'

This week we have been split into our Curriculum Integration Groups.  Miss Hale and Mr Lodge's group has been looking at Schooling and Games; the lessons and games our Great, Great, Great Grandparents would have done at school.  We had a great time trying to do handwriting using cursive, reading old texts and playing games like knuckle bones and hopscotch.  Have a look at the fun we had.

Monday, 24 March 2014

You Tube

Don't forget to also keep checking in on our You Tube page, it not only has the videos 
on our Blog but also other videos that we are using in class.  Become a follower, 
and keep up to date as we are posting videos.

Curriculum Integration in the Afternoons
'A Slice of Time'

This week we started learning about New Zealand in the past.  Miss Hale and Mr Lodge are looking at schooling and games in New Zealand in pre European times, early 1900's and the 1940/50's.  Miss Hale and Mr Lodge are using their class blog to help the students get an idea of how schooling and life was like during this time.  Click on the page link above 'Miss Hale and Mr Lodge's CL Group' and have a look at some of the things we are looking at.

Some shots from our first group this afternoon.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Toanga Snapshots

Here are some snapshots of Room 14 with their Toanga.  As always if anyone wants a digital 
copy of a photo, please let Mr Lodge know (There are even a few of the teachers in the 
school sharing their Favourite Things!)..

Sharing our Toanga

As part of our new unit 'A Slice of Time,' we brought along our Toanga, things that are precious to us.  We wrote about, shared them, even created advertisement posters for our treasures.  Have a look at our Toanga and why they are special to us (we are a still working on talking loudly in front of the camera!).
Week 8 Homework

Week 8 homework is up on the homework page.  Word Bank chunk for week 8 is 'st.'  Have a good week everyone!
Weekend Brainteasers (Answers)

Here are last weekends Brainteasers, Daragh put these together, he did a great job.  

A:  What is the coolest letter of the Alphabet? 
Because it is inbetween A and C (AC air conditioning)

B:  Why can't a Tyrannosaurs Rex clap?
Because they are extinct

C:  I have every colour but no gold, what am I?
A rainbow

D:  What has holes on each side but still holds water?
A sponge or a hose.

Well done to Jazlin and Jonathan, a prize out of the box for you this week!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Our Last Hockey Lesson

On Wednesday we had our last lesson with Taranaki Hockey.  It was really great to use all of the skills that we had learnt over the four lessons in a large court game.  Thanks Taranaki Hockey we learnt a lot and had amazing fun.
Our Toangas

Today we started to share our toangas that we brought from home.



It was great and we had a large selection of different artefacts that we brought along to school.  
We were all really interested in what we shared.  We have taken a lot of videos and photos.  Tomorrow after the rest of the class has shared we will put them up on our blog.  
We really did share some interesting items.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Sharing our Toanga (Treasures).

Dear Parents/Caregivers/Whanau

As part of our new unit, ‘A Slice of Time’, we have been learning about artefacts and fossils.  During this time our teachers have shared something special, a taonga, to them.  To carry this on in our classroom programmes we would like to learn about each others taongas and why it is important or special to them.

During the next two days we are asking the children to bring something from home that is precious to them/family – a taonga, this could be as simple as a favourite toy you child has had from birth.

I know that your child’s item is special to them and could be valuable both in money and or meaning to your family.  If you prefer you could take a photograph and e-mail it to me or send to school on a data stick (digital copies preferred).

Thank you for your ongoing support
Andrew Lodge
Problems Making Comments

You may have had difficulty making comments on our Blog Page.  The best thing to do is that if you have an gmail account make sure you are logged in first.  If you don't have an gmail account all of the Room 14 students do.  It is in the back of their homework book.  Go to log in as them and then make a comment, if you are not that student, don't forget to leave your name as part of the comment so we don't think it is the student who's profile you are using.

We really love to read your comments in class.  It is a great way for the students to get feedback on their work.  If you are one of our regular followers from overseas, please comment or send Mr Lodge an e-mail.  It would be great to start some correspondence, or even skype or facetime to get to know more about your country.

If you still have any problems commenting, or would like to start getting in contact with Room 14, please leave a comment or e-mail Mr Lodge at

Thanks for viewing our page.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Opunake Primary School Blog

Check out our school blog, it is a great way to see what is happening all around the school.  This school really does have a variety of interesting learning experiences for our students.

Also all of the other classes have some amazing work going on in their blogs, check them out:

Teachers Sharing

Sharing our Toanga (Treasures).

Today the rest of the teachers shared their family Toanga.  It was great to see what different people value and what makes things important to families.  On Thursday we would like the students to share something special to them and their family.  It would be great for all of the students to have something to share.  I really look forward to seeing what the students bring to share.


Monday, 17 March 2014

New Cooperative Learning Topic

This afternoon we started our new Cooperative Learning topic.  As a school we are going to be looking into the past. What was New Zealand like when our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents young? How have the events that happened in the past helped to shape New Zealand today?  

To start Mr Frank and Miss Ogle helped us to explore how we learn about the past.  What do archaeologists do?  How does their work teach us about how life was?


Another way of finding out about the past is to look at things that are special in peoples families.  The teachers each shared something special from their families.  Miss Hale shared a sketch book that her Grandfather started.  Her father and Miss Hale have also added drawings to the sketch book.  Mrs Weir shared a painting of her family her daughter made when she was 7.  Mr Lodge found old home movie footage from over 30 years ago, from when he was young, it gives an insight to family life in the late 1970's to early 1980's.


We can't wait to see what the rest of the 
teachers have to share.  Room 14, do you have something special that you could share with us?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Our clowns have found a home in our class.  The 
classroom is starting to take shape, looking bright and colourful, with lots of student work.

Week 7 Homework

Week 7 homework is up on the Blog Homework Page.

Word Bank words for Week 7, words ending in '-ing.'  

Thank you to all parents, grandparents, family that are helping with homework, we are getting some amazing Word Bank Lists, with students collecting well over 50 words during the week.  Some students even getting up to 100 and beyond.  Our word knowledge is definitely on the improve!
Weekend Brainteasers

Here are this weekends Brainteasers, Daragh put these together, he did a great job.  A pick from the prize box for the student who get these correct, remember one prize per student.

A:  What is the coolest letter of the Alphabet? 

B:  Why can't a Tyrannosaurs Rex clap?

C:  I have every colour but no gold, what am I?

D:  What has holes on each side but still holds water?

Get those thinking caps on and start making comments for your ideas, good luck.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Wave Day 2


...Wave Day Friday strikes again.  Let's hope that when Cyclone Luci arrives this weekend it doesn't put an end to Swimming for this season.

We will work on keeping our thumb away from the camera!

Winner! Winner! Winner!

Winner! Winner! Winner!

Well done to Miss Ogle and Mr Ackerman who won the 'Adult Check In' brainteaser for this week!

Keep checking in over the weekend as Daragh's brainteasers are put up for you to answer.  

Who will win next week?

Weekend Brainteaser Answers!

Well done to Miss Ogle and Mr Ackerman who got the brainteaser for Adults correct, a moro bar is coming your way!

Also well done to Oliver who correctly answered two of the brainteasers for students.  

A farmer has seventeen sheep. All but nine of them die. 
How many sheep does he have left?
Nine (All but nine of the die).

How many seconds are in a year?
12 (January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd...etc).

Here's a brainteaser for all the adults out there... (A Moro bar is on the line for the first correct post!)
A train leaves from New York City (NYC) heading towards Los Angeles (LA) at 100 mph. Three hours later, a train leaves LA heading towards NYC at 200 MPH. Assume there's exactly 2000 miles between LA and NYC. When they meet, which train is closer to New York City?
When the meet they will be the same distance from New York (as they are in the same place!).

Don't forget to check in over the weekend as Daragh has created some brainteasers for next week, good luck!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Taranaki Hockey

Taranaki Hockey

As promised here is our latest Video from todays Hockey lesson with Taranaki Hockey.  The video was put together by Charlie W and Amelia using iMovie (soundtrack added by Mr Lodge's great taste in music).  A great job by everyone on the courts today.  Well done!

Taranaki Hockey

We are lucky enough to be participating in Hockey skills development run by the Taranaki Hockey association at the moment.  Today was our first session, we had a lot of fun and found we had remembered a lot from last year.  We cant't wait until next week when we have our next session.  A video of us training hard will follow later tonight.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Week 6 Homework up on the homework page.

Chunk for Word Bank this week 'er.'

One day less to create our lists, get into it!

Art Exhibition

Check out this video of last weeks OPS Art Exhibition.  There is some amazing pieces of art from the Room 14 students as well as the rest of the school.  To check out each Room 14 students individual piece of art by clicking the link on the main menu link under the heading of the blog.  

Enjoy, don't forget to leave a comment, we love to hear about what you think!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Clowns, Clowns, Clowns!

Check out our new page with all of the clowns we created for our Art Exhibition.  The first step we took to draw our clowns was to look at different pictures of clowns using Google Images.  Once we discussed different features of clowns, including colours, hair, dress and make up we had a go at drawing 2 happy and 2 sad clowns.  After we shared our drawing we drew our best happy and sad clown, exploring with colour.  When we were ready to draw our final clown we used pastel, completed a background of blotted paint and then mounted them onto newspaper.  To finish our creations off we used material, wool, foam and coloured paper to create hats, flowers, and ties.  So click on the 'Art Exhibition' on the main menu bar and have a look at our work.  

If anyone wants a digital copy of a photo let me know and I can e-mail a copy.

Weekend Brainteaser!

Last weekends brainteaser meant you had to think outside of the square for the answers...

Here are another couple to get you thinking, possibly a wee bit easier???

A farmer has seventeen sheep. All but nine of them die. 
How many sheep does he have left?

How many seconds are in a year?

If A costs $1, B costs $2, C costs $3, D costs $4 etc, 
can you find a word that equals $50?

Here's a brainteaser for all the adults out there... (A Moro bar is on the line for the first correct post!)

A train leaves from New York City (NYC) heading towards Los Angeles (LA) at 100 mph. Three hours later, a train leaves LA heading towards NYC at 200 MPH. Assume there's exactly 2000 miles between LA and NYC. When they meet, which train is closer to New York City?

Don't forget team, a pick of the prize box for the first correct comment for each Brainteaser (to be fair, maximum of one prize per person!), just click on the comment box below, leave your answer, don't forget to leave your name.

Have a great long weekend everyone, see you on Tuesday.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

After a lot of hard work and busy afternoons the Art 
work for tomorrow nights exhibition is on the wall in the 
Learning Centre.  The pieces look really great and the 
children are proud of the Art that they have created.  
They look forward to sharing these with you tomorrow night.  
See you there.

Art Exhibition
Opunake Primary School Learning Centre 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Well Done Boys, three correct reply's!

The Answer is SEVEN, take off the 'S' and you are left with even!
Watch out for the next brainteaser.

Congratulations Jonathan, first correct reply!

Brainteaser:  A pick out of the prize box for the first Room 14 
student to post the correct answer to this brainteaser on our blog.

I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I 
become even. What number am I? 

Get thinking and make a comment to get a pick from the prize box, good luck!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Brainteaser:  A pick out of the prize box for the first Room 14 
student to post the correct answer to this brainteaser on our blog.

I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I 
become even. What number am I? 

Get thinking and make a comment to get a pick from the prize box, good luck!

Week 5 homework sheet is up on the homework page for anyone who wants to get a head start onto this weeks Word Bank!